Need to reduce the cost of herbal therapy?

Herbal therapy can be expensive. Unfortunately the NZ government does not offer support for herbalism and ACC will not fund a herbal consultation even if there has been an accident. Also medical insurance will not cover herbalism costs. But there are ways you can save.

We have a 3-tier payment system for consultations

Tier 1. Waged. $120 new patient and $60 followup

Tier 2. Unwaged, elderly or children. 50% discount on the above

Tier 3. Can’t afford it. Discuss with the herbalist. In some situations barter may be possible eg. gardening work in exchange for a consultation

Ways to save  on your herbal remedies

1)   Only use one form of herbal therapy eg. only a tincture or only a tea

2) Instead of a tincture formula, ask about using just one herb as a tincture (this is called a “simple”)

3)   Consider making your own herbal remedy – attend one of our regular workshops to be taught how to do this

4) Ask the herbalist whether your treatment can be bought more cheaply on-line