Glenorchy Herbs & Healing Clinic
Glenorchy Herbs & Healing is situated 5 Km north of Glenorchy and can be accessed from the Glenorchy-Paradise Road.
The principles and ethics of this practice are informed by the Hippocratic oath which states that the physician is bound to “prescribe only beneficial treatments … and to refrain from causing harm or hurt….”

We aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment for people from all walks of life. Natural medicines are available including herbal tinctures, teas and topical remedies, and advice will be given about what would be best for your own particular requirements.
Clients will also be advised about the importance of a holistic health approach including lifestyle and dietary advice and in selected cases Reiki healing will be offered.
What I can expect from my appointment?
- A chance to relax and allow the stresses of the modern world to dissolve
- A focus on your own medical history from a Western medicine and herbal medicine perspective
- A brief examination if appropriate
- Herbal remedies including personalised herbal tincture formulas and teas
- Creams and salves for the treatment of skin conditions
- Nutritional guidance and other lifestyle advice.
- Reiki therapy for those with deep-seated health issues
- A followup appointment can be arranged in person or via Zoom or Skype.