These beautiful creamy flowers appear in the late Spring and have long been a traditional favourite of country folk for making elderflower cordial – and even champagne. They can also be processed into a tincture or a tea for medicinal uses. Elderflower tincture (made with alcohol or glycerine) can be a very helpful remedy for bringing down a high fever especially in children. Elderflower remedies are also very effective for chronic sinusitis and a blocked nose. They also have a special place for the treatment of seasonal allergies. These flowers have anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of ursolic acid within the plant. A cooled tea made into a compress can be applied to the skin to sooth rashes and cool inflamed eyes.
Legend has it that the elder tree is the home of a powerful fairy, the Elder mother, who embodies feminine wisdom. Its ability to recover after damage and easily generate new trees from cuttings makes this a wonderful symbol of regeneration. I always take a small gift when harvesting elder flowers or berries. I use comfrey water which is a liquid compost – the elders in my area seem to appreciate that!